productspost/froth-slurry-pump/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Sun, 02 Jul 2023 10:37:25 GMT --> Froth Slurry Pump - Amostechpumps
Froth Slurry Pump
  • Description

    Amostech centrifugal froth pumps are designed to efficiently transfer corrosive or abrasive slurry. The pumps are made with double casing design that allows the case to split open along its centerline. It makes repairing or replacing parts easier.

    The wet parts are made with high-chromium alloy and provide high-abrasion resistant capabilities. A V-belt is connected between the motor shaft and pump shaft which makes it easier to control the speed of the pump by changing the sheave.

    Simplicity of the froth pump's layout allows hassle-free installation. The pumps can function effectively even in insufficient suction.

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Pump Design Features

Double-Casing Design:
The double-casing design of the froth pump allows it to split open along its centerline. It makes replacing parts hassle-free. The wet-end parts are made with abrasion-resistant high chrome alloy.

No shaft seal:
The design of the froth pumps eliminates the need for any shaft seal to prevent liquid from leaking.

Interchangeable parts:
Depending on the task, impellers and internal pump-liners can be constructed with rubber and polyurethane.

Prevent foam production:
The impeller vanes and hopper are designed to remove foam produced during pumping.

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    productspost/froth-slurry-pump/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Sun, 02 Jul 2023 10:37:27 GMT -->