What is slurry pump?

Slurry pumps are generally larger in size when compared to low-viscosity liquid pumps and usually require more horsepower to operate because they’re less efficient. Bearings and shafts must be more rugged and rigid as well.

To protect the pump’s casing from abrasion, slurry pumps are oftentimes lined with metal or rubber. Rubber slurry Pumps, for example, lines their MPAR slurry pump with rubber.

Metal casings are composed of hard alloys. These casings are built to withstand the erosion caused by increased pressure and circulation.The material we have high chrome alloy,rubber,polyurethane,ceramic etc.

The casings are selected to suit the needs of the application. For instance, pumps used in cement production handle fine particles at low pressures. Therefore, a light construction casing is acceptable. If the pump is handling rocks, the pump casing and impeller will need a thicker and stronger casing.